Join the Movement

Call to action


Thank you for taking time to learn more about the Invest in Youth Campaign.

Now its time to make things official. Are you ready to join a community of organizations and residents focused on an equitable city-wide strategy for youth? Lets do this!

Here are the levels of engagement:

Coalition Member

Sign on as Coalition Member and keep up to date on recent actions. You will be invited to all steering committee meetings and will become a voting member after attending three meetings. We will ask you to sign on to a letter to the LA city council and bring your constituents when we organize actions to advocate for the Youth Development Department.

Core Support Organization

Each month, coalition members meet to discuss policy and strategy. Join as a Core Support Organization (CSO) and help us craft a strategy that will lead to the opening of a youth development department in Los Angeles. Committing to be a CSO, you will be expected to send a leader of your organization to a minimum of one monthly Campaign Meeting. Core Support Organizations will also expected to mobilize constituents for direct actions at city hall and in the community.

Sign-on Partner

This is the lowest lift of all the options. Become a supporter and sign onto our campaign. We will keep you updated with the latest actions and committee meetings. If you come on as a sign-on partner, we would use your organization name broadly as supporting our efforts. It is always possible to start as a sign on partner and move up in levels later.